Indivisible Rally 2019

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Indivisible Rally 2019

Indivisible Rally 2019 Calendar

Make the primary constructive. We'll make the primary election about our hopes for the future, and a robust debate of values, vision and the contest of ideas. We'll remain grounded in our shared values, even if we support different candidates.
Rally behind the winner. We'll support the ultimate Democratic nominee, period. No Monday morning quarterbacking. No third-party threats.
Do the work to beat Trump. We're the grassroots army that's going to power the nominee to victory, and we'll show up to make calls, knock doors, and do whatever it takes.

Indivisible Rally 2019 2020

National progressive outfit Indivisible on Thursday launched a pledge compelling all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to rally behind the eventual nominee. Bernie Sanders was the first to. We Are Indivisible 2020 Pledge. In May 2019, we asked grassroots activists and the Democratic primary candidates to take the We Are Indivisible 2020 Pledge to m ake the primary constructive, rally behind the winner, and then do the work to beat Trump. Step Two: Read Indivisible on Offense. Now that House Democrats can determine which bills get votes, there are two big opportunities to go on legislative offense in 2019 and 2020: messaging bills and must-pass bills. Indivisible Project is a registered 501(c)(4). Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee. They are separate organizations.

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